The Way of Dance
"Now, sweet ones, be wise -- cast all your votes for dancing!" - Hafiz
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Welcome to The Way of Dance
    The Way of Dance brings to life the art of ancient civilizations through classical and traditional dance forms, in the service of rituals and rhythms of cultures far removed from our own in space and time, reviving the splendor of the past and enriching the present.

    The artistic director of The Way of Dance, Lesandre, was born in Australia and started dance lessons in Paris at the age of five. A graduate of the Royal Ballet School, London, she has studied, taught, and performed the world's great dance traditions from the Far & Mid East and Indonesia. Her Indonesian dance teachers include I. Nyoman & Nanik Wenten, as well as Balasundari & Balasaraswati in S. Indian dance. She has been performing and teaching Eastern dance since 1973. Lesandre presently teaches advanced ballet for the California Arts Academy and the Performing Arts Center as well as teaches private classes in S. Indian Classical, Javanese and Balinese Dance.

Divine Spirit
Saraswati     There is one Divine Spirit pervading the universe, and the great civilizations of India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Tibet and ancient Egypt have sought to picture and describe this eternal Spirit in their own way through their art, religion, philosophy, architecture, poetry, art forms, customs, and attire. Similarly, the classical dance traditions are a vehicle to understand the formless through the form, a path to union with our Creative Source. The Way of Dance has been offering beautiful and unique performances and classes for over twenty years. Many of the venues have been through Asian art museums, universities, schools, yoga centers, and other organizations.
108 Karanas Video
Devi    The 108 Karanas are sculpted at the Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram, South India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Nataraja, the presiding deity of dance. This DVD, created and performed by Lesandre, is a tribute to, and highlights, the Karanas which are the basic dance units of Bharata Natyam, and the mother source of the rich variety of Indian dance traditions.

    For inquiries on full length video productions and instructional DVD's, please visit our: Products web page.