"Peeks Speaks"  




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   Meow everybody, my name is Peek-A-Boo, aka "Peeks". I'm a Libra and a sixteen year old Tuxedo cat. Just chillin' in my basket, and here to bust-a-rhyme against pet over-population.

  'Got a dog, got a cat? Take 'em to the Vet. It's good for the world, it's good for your pet!' 

      This is me at four months. I was a 'stray'  and very lucky to be adopted from a shelter. My kitty mom was feral and I nearly had the same fate. The litters from just one cat, in three years, can total 60,000 cats, if no one bothers to spay and neuter.

   There are just not enough homes for all the poor cats and most end up being euthanized or are abandoned. Some kittens are thrown from cars onto the highways. Just imagine!    I don't like the sound of that. 

   A constant diet of kibble is very bad for cats. It's too dry for our kidneys. We also need wet, canned food with some water mixed in, and things like Barley Cat and Brewers Yeast.

    I was diagnosed with CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) in June 2009. I was very sick and nearly died. But  my life was saved by the special kindness and love of Dr.B.Taylor, D.V.M and staff, and through Astro's Oil, a special compound for CRF kitties. Go to www.astroscrfoil.com for more info and details about this magic healing Oil. I've been on it ever since, and am doing great. Thank you, Astro!

     Here I am on the deck with my buddy Houdini.  He came to us as an adult stray with terrible ear infections. He was completely feral, but after nine years of good food and care, he is a cuddly teddy bear.

   Dini and I are both so very fortunate to have found a good home.  Our guardians adore us and we love them too. 


In Memory

    Nefer, 1977 - 1992 

  Our Nefer was an young, pregnant kitty who went from doorstep to doorstep looking for shelter. She found that Forever Home and after delivering five beautiful kittens, was spayed, and was the best cat. Nefer, we'll always love you.

Rebekah, June-December 1994

      Little Rebekah, you will always be my darling baby cat.  A world champion gymnast, you could turn triple somersaults in the wink of an eye, and were so curious about the world. You came from heaven, and were called back there much too soon. 



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